Adrenal Fatigue: What you need to know

primi sui motori con e-max

Adrenal Fatigue is a collection of symptoms known as a syndrome that occurs when the adrenal glads function below normal levels. Adrenal Fatigue is often ignored in athletes as the primary symptom (fatigue) is a direct by-product of exercise and training.  When left unchecked Adrenal Fatigue can have devastating effects on an athlete resulting in a decrease in production, in-ability to train and compete, or in some extreme cases, retirement from athletics. For more information about Adrenal Fatigue and how to manage it read below.

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Hydration: Whats your best choice?

primi sui motori con e-max

Hydration, every athlete knows its important and yet few know and understand all of the options available to them.  Three of the most common drinks consumed by athletes are water, Gatorade and coconut water.  Each has their upside and each has their downside. Regardless of which you drink, make sure to stay properly hydrated before, during and after exercise or competition. Don't wait until you're already thirsty!

By the time your body signals thirst you are already dehydrated.

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Sports Nutrition Program

Champion Athletes Sports Nutrition program is attracting athletes from all over the country. Our programs improve endurance, increase energy levels, optimize your workouts and help manage your weight. The sports nutrition program can give you a real competitive advantage over the competition.

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Micronutrient Testing

Are you taking too many supplements? Not enough? Nutritional status is a vital foundation of health and performance. Micronutrient testing is an innovative assessment of nutritional status which includes: vitamins and minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and hormone/thyroid panel. This information allows Champions Athletes to create a more complete nutritional program for our clients, improving recovery time, energy levels, endurance and much more.  

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Sports Performance Training

We provide sports specific training that focuses on training for an athlete’s individual strengths and weaknesses in their specific sport. Each of our Sports Performance programs is based on our comprehensive assessments and conducted in small personalized groups.  

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